Publishing Part Two: Christina Garner

According to author Christina Garner, there is another solution to fulfilling crushed authorial dreams besides huddling up in the fetal position with a copy of your favorite children’s literature. She is one of many writers who have sought make their hobby into a career– and have done it all on their own dollar and savvy. Garner is riding the crest of a tidal wave known as self-publishing, bound to send the method in which we perceive and receive our stories: fictional, biographical, and inspirational alike, into a tailspin. It’s a revolutionary and necessary change that may very well preserve the aforementioned death of publishing: all electronic, self-edited, and self-promoted. To paraphrase Garner, “It’s like what Itunes did to the CD, you rarely see albums being bought in stores anymore, but they’re still available.” The hardback and the paperback book are going to take a backseat to young writers trying to make a mold in the tough business of publishing, and thriving, off the pen, ink, sweat, tears, and carpal tunnel that all come along with being a professional author. Miss Garner, who has found much success in the world of online penmanship, having become an Amazon bestseller through a three part series entitled The Gateway Trilogy, stopped by to share with me her secrets to making headway into an ever-evolving industry. First, you have to be willing to network. Making connections through the omnipresent portals of Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and the like allows the aspiring novelist to establish rapport with critics and book bloggers. These are the people who primarily promote and market Christina’s work– suggesting her urban fantasy pieces to people interested in works of similar genre– and boom, a sensation begins. Second, you have to remember to always keep your writing persona and editing persona separate so as not to hinder the creative process. Miss Garner recommends using brainstorming tools and apps that personally have allowed her to overcome occasional bouts of writer’s block. Finally, as a progressive vegan resident of one of the most sensationalized and and information spun towns in all the world, Christina advocates, emphasizes, and personifies a strong social presence and resume while working in LA. Again, to paraphrase; “it’s all about what you’ve done, what you’re doing, and what you’re going to do next.” Rather than overselling and overtelling, it is better to make an honest and unique connection with a few sturdy,  influential figures than to use flashy, over-the-top half-truths to stand on the shoulders of those who are just as likely to drop you for the next big story as they are to follow you back.

5 thoughts on “Publishing Part Two: Christina Garner

  1. Yes I am! I hope it was alright that I shared some of your comments on here; you are a huge influence in how I now view my future career path. Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my blog!

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